Apple is said to launch its first foray into virtual and/or augmented reality (AR/VR) as the "Reality" or possibly "Reality Pro" headset-like device. Now, it seems the Cupertino-based behemoth is not going to stop there, and intends to release what might turn into an ecosystem of connected accessories over time.
One of these might come in the form of gloves that could allow the "Reality" wearer to use their hands to full effect in the Apple-brand metaverse. This is because the OEM's current concept is based on the "inertial measurement unit" (or IMU), a module that could incorporate sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers to track and map a hand for VR purposes.
To this end, the IMUs are strategically distributed within the glove in order to measure the distances between the extremity's bones, as well as the movement of its joints. This could result in the reproduction of a hand in fine detail, as well as its movement, in a VR environment.
This filing of IP for a glove, authorized by China's CNIPA authority today (October 18, 2022), that could go with an Apple headset might suggest the company intends to pitch its first-gen headset at truly 'Pro' applications in addition to those such as gaming at its launch. Then again, this event could still be a long way away from any kind of reality as yet.
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